Freelance : How to bounce back when you lose a client

Let’s be honest, losing a client can be discouraging, especially if they were a bit part of your earnings. Freelance life is all about balance, and losing a client may make you feel like everything is going to collapse. Unfortunately, this is something you will have to face at some point, and probably more thanContinue reading “Freelance : How to bounce back when you lose a client”

Heatwave : How to make your day a tiny bit better

If you’re living in Europe, you know that these days, it’s been getting quite hot over here. But honestly, the whole world is burning up so if the heatwave didn’t reach you yet : don’t worry, it’s coming. If like me you’re not a summer person to begin with, you might feel like you’re goingContinue reading “Heatwave : How to make your day a tiny bit better”

5 tips to stay focused

According to research, humans have an average attention span of 8 seconds. Yes, I was surprised as well when I found this little piece of information online. I guess it’s not just me then, everyone can get easily distracted ! We’re only humans ! So what can we do to stay more focused, whether it’sContinue reading “5 tips to stay focused”

Freelance : You don’t have to specialize if you don’t want to.

If there’s something that I’ve read mostly everywhere when I was doing my research before creating my business, it was that YOU. MUST. SPECIALIZE. = find your niche, and never look back. Well, it’s been a year and a half since then, and I’m quite happy that I didn’t listen to that specific piece ofContinue reading “Freelance : You don’t have to specialize if you don’t want to.”

Freelance : Learning to say “no” will save you time and money.

When you think about it, saying “no” doesn’t seem like a big deal, right ? When I created my business, I never thought it would be such a key element of my growth, both in my personal and professional life. As a student, and later on as a new employee, saying “no” was not reallyContinue reading “Freelance : Learning to say “no” will save you time and money.”

Becoming a digital nomad : what you need to consider

It’s been a while now that the term ‘digital nomad’ exists. Some countries have even created special visas for this special kind of workers, even though most of the time, the requirements are quite high. You’re thinking about becoming a digital nomad, but you’re not sure where to start ? Same here. I’m a freelancerContinue reading “Becoming a digital nomad : what you need to consider”

5 mistakes I’ve made as a freelancer (1st year)

When I started to work as a freelancer in November 2020, I had no clue about what to expect. As I had no one around me who was freelancing, I tried to contact people on Linkedin, people who were in the fields I was interested in, so they could share their vision of the jobContinue reading “5 mistakes I’ve made as a freelancer (1st year)”

Freelance & Mental Health

Back in 2020 when I was still an employee, trying to fit in what was expected of me (+ the pandemic on top of it all) led me to burnout. In November 2020, I decided to create my own business and started working as a freelance translator, as well as an author. It’s been moreContinue reading “Freelance & Mental Health”